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发布时间:2016-12-05      浏览次数:950








John 发表的论文与著作(部分)

John Lodewijks & Mehdi Monadjemi, "Monetary Policy, Targets and Instruments" The International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Vol.23 No.1 Jan./March 2015 pp. 35-52.

"The Global Financial Crisis: Antecedents and Implications" in Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Impact on Economic Growth (Nova, New York, forthcoming).

"The history of economics ‘down-under’: Repulsing the barbarians at the gate" in Reclaiming Pluralism: Role of History of Economic Thought in Heterodoxy – Essays in Honour of John E. King; Jerry Courvisanos, Jamie Doughney and Alex Millmow (eds), Chapter 5 (Routledge, London, forthcoming).

Mehdi Monadjemi & John Lodewijks, Money and Monetary Policy in an Open Economy (Bookboon, London, forthcoming)

"Stiglitz: Economics for an Imperfect World" Review of Political Economy, Vol 21 No.1 Jan. 2009 pp.173-176.

Roger Frantz (ed.) "Renaissance in Behavioral Economics: Essays in Honor of Harvey Leibenstein", History of Economics Review, No. 49 Winter 2009 pp.102-103.

"Tim Harcourt: The Airport Economist", The Economics and Labour Relations Review, Vol.20 No.2 July 2010 pp.139-140.

"Sylvia Nasar: Grand Pursuit, The Story of Economic Genius" The Economics and Labour Relations Review, Vol. 23 No. 2, June 2012 pp.149-154.

"G.C. Harcourt: The Making of a Post-Keynesian Economist: Cambridge Harvest", History of Economics Review, Vol.58 Summer 2013 pp.103-106.

"Thomas Klikauer: Managerialism: A Critique of an Ideology", The Economics and Labour Relations Review, 24(4) December 2013 pp.587-591.

"Josh Bivens: Failure by Design: The Story behind America’s Broken Economy", Review of Political Economy, Vol.26 No.4, 1-2, 2014.






Golo 获得的奖项与认可(部分)

Recognized with 25 web awards for the Banyan Tree Group websites

Pioneer work in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the conceptualisation and development of a ‘Green Imperative’ website, which won the following awards:

'World's Leading Responsible Tourism Site' at the World Travel Awards

Best Responsible Tourism Site’ at the TravelMole Travel and Tourism Web Awards, UK







Adele 发表的论文及著作(部分)

Yifan Zhang. “The ‘Wildly Misappropriated’ Work: The Application of Cultural Studies in Business Communication Classrooms”. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. (upcoming)

Yifan Zhang. “The ‘Wildly Misappropriated’ Work: The Application of Cultural Studies in Business Communication Classrooms”. Conference presentation. The 80th International Annual Conference, the Association for Business Communication, Seattle, Oct. 28-31, 2015.

Spivak, Gayatri C. Translator’s Preface. Of Grammatology. By Jacques Derrida. Trans. YingjianGuo and Yifan Zhang. From Deconstruction to the Critique of Globalization: A Spivak Reader. Ed. Yongguo Chen. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007.

Spivak, Gayatri C. “Lingering on the ‘Question of the Preface’—Derrida and Nietzsche, Heidegger, Husserl.” Trans. Yifan Zhang and YingjianGuo. New Literature. Vol 7. Zhengzhou: Daxiang Publishing House, 2007.







Martin 发表的论文及著作(部分)

Co-authored with Myles Gartland and Tim Keane, “Path Dependency, Behavioral Lock-in and the International Market for Beer,” in ed volume Beer, Brewing and Pubs, Palgrave, forthcoming, 2016.

Co-authored with James Dockins and Ramzi Abuzahrieh, “"Arabic translation and adaptation of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Patient Satisfaction Survey Instrument,” Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 2015, Vol 37 (4).

“Liquid Bread: An Examination of the American brewing industry, 1865-1940, Part III,” Journal of Brewery History, 2014, no 159: 55-97.

“Liquid Bread: An Examination of the American brewing industry, 1865-1940, Part II,” Journal of Brewery History, 2014, no 157: 47-89.

Martin Stack, Myles Gartland & Charlotte Shelton: “The Impact of Organizational Culture and Person-Organization Fit on Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment in China & the United States” International Journal of Management Development(Spring 2011)