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S P Jain国际商学院计划在硅谷校区提供VR教学

发布时间:2016-12-05      浏览次数:931

S P Jain是一家注重全球学习的国际商学院,1981年始建于印度孟买,目前在迪拜、孟买、新加坡和悉尼设有校区,开创商学院多校区教学模式,开设面向新时代全球化的商学教育2.0课程。S P Jain 2015年入选《经济学人》全球TOP 100家商学院,同时也是世界百强商学院排行榜最年轻的商学院。

S P Jain近日宣布将在硅谷设立新校区,也是第一家国际商学院设立的校区,该校区与斯坦福商学院和加州大学伯克利分校的哈斯商学院展开竞争,计划在两年内在旧金山湾区建成。

S P Jain硅谷校区将为本科生和研究生课程提供VR教学。学校校长Nitish Jain解释此举是适应不断变化的市场需求,学生们除了学习传统销售方法以外,还需要学会如何利用VR销售产品。Nitish Jain表示VR将教育提升至全新层次,学生通过沉浸式学习,可以仿真模拟任何情况。换句话说,VR可以创造真实的生活体验,比如能够教会学生如何带领团队,锻炼团队领导力。

SP Jain 商学院计划在未来12-24个月建成这个校区,并且计划的招生名额是1000名学生,包括本科和研究生课程。每年在VR项目上投资2百万美金。此校区建成后,目前BBA 本科项目将有可能从四年三地,新加坡,迪拜,悉尼。变为四年四地,新加坡,迪拜,悉尼,硅谷。真正成为国际化的商学院。让更多毕业生有能力和资格在硅谷毕业和就业。



A new business school is on the same block as Stanford and Berkeley, but the new kid offers virtual reality classrooms for students.

SP Jain School of Global Management will be launching the first Indian business school in the US in Silicon Valley. It will be competing with top-ranking schools like Stanford Graduate School of Business and Berkeley’s Haas School. The school plans to establish itself in the Bay Area within two years.

Notably, it will offer virtual reality classrooms for the first time in their undergraduate and post-graduate programs.

The school’s president, Nitish Jain, explained that starting courses with virtual reality as a major component was prompted by the changing needs of the corporate sector. The students have to learn how to sell products using virtual reality on top of actually knowing how to sell products the old-fashioned way.

“VR can take education to a whole new level. VR can mimic any situation and we will learn by deep immersion. In other words, we can create real life experiences. Take for example we teach our students how to lead a team of difficult people.Students would actually be able to “be in the room” and experience leadership as though it is really happening,” Jain said.


SP Jain Singapore Campus

SP Jain is an Australian business school that has set up roots in different locations: Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, and Sydney. The Economist has declared this school as one of the world’s top 100 schools.

A few months ago, the school sought regulatory permissions for their planned US campus in Silicon Valley. They announced that the school “should be hitting the mark in the next 12 to 24 months”. President Jain did not disclose the investment figures of opening up a campus in the US, but he mentioned that this process entails dealing with regulatory challenges as well as establishing a brand.

Academic consultants say that setting up an international campus usually costs roughly $2 million annually when the infrastructure is leased. “The average cost to set up a campus for about 1,000 students for BBA, MBA can be anywhere close to $3 million and this doesn’t include a library or a sports facility,” said Rohin Kapoor, education practice director at Deloitte India.